Sep 2, 2010

Time to get Grateful!

Yesterday was a big "complain" post. If you know me, you know that's not my style.
The perspective I need can always be rediscovered in Gratitude, so I'm goin there...I'm going to the Gratitude Journal Posting to start each entry here at She's Really Doing This.
If I am going to be known for anything consistently, it will be Gratitude.
I am grateful for: this beautiful life that I lead, warts and all
the people I share this life with
my children's health
my committed, healthy marraige
the lovely home I have been fortunate enough to create at 420 Rochester Road

There...I feel better already. General lists of things I'm thankful for always help me find my center. At my very core, I am a happy person.

Keep your eye on the blog to hear these and many other things expounded upon as I move to a new phase in my life.
I'm not sure where all this is going, but I have a notion that these little changes will lead to big changes.

Today is Thursday and that means that I have rehearsal for Annie Get Your Gun. Regan and I will share the stage and that is one more blessing to count.

Lot's of lessons for Rosey today, including a Math Test. She did well.
Lucas has been diligently working to bring his grades to where they should be for an independent student. This is a learning curve, so he was off to a Rocky Start.
Flute Lessons for Regan and Drum Lessons for Lucas are Thursdays too. Busy day for the Pelicanos.

Sep 1, 2010


So we've been in "Virtual School" for a couple of weeks and I give it a big thumbs down. It isn't my cup of tea.
I don't agree with the notion of "Home School"...never have. Now I can speak to it from the stand point of one who has attempted the practice and I hate to say it, but as usual....I was right.
Conceptually, there are too many problems to mention, so suffice it to say...I'm not happy with the lack of choices for my children's education in South Carolina and that will require some major decisions.
For now...Regan, Lucas and Rosemary Pelicano will remain enrolled at Connections Academy, much to my chagrin!