Jan 29, 2014

Observations on a Snow Day

1. As far as things go there are few things I love more than watching my children sleep. Every time I see the peaceful face of one of my kids at rest, it takes my breath away.

2. I can hear my husband on a conference call from my bedroom and he is a brilliant man. 
I am blown away by the level of knowledge and professional conduct he exhibits in his work.

3. Snow Day mornings are great for noticing things.

Jan 12, 2014

Weighing in

My mini rant of yesterday was acknowledged by someone that has a similar view of the same situation that I was addressing.
The private exchange between she & I was brief and honest.
It reminded me that there is a time and place for frank, PRIVATE, words between people that might or might not agree.
Humanity.  We didn't solve any problems. We just spoke to each other with respect and honesty.
Imagine a world built on those two principles.
Imagine that world beginning one family at a time.

Jan 11, 2014

Letting go, gracefully.

So, Happy New Year! 
I want to start with an observation. If one has taken on the task of caring for an incapacitated parent, it is not the right of said "caregiver" to share the private journey on Facebook .
I am appalled by the insensitive exposure of a woman that has clung to her privacy by a child with a bottomless need for attention. 
I know there isn't one pair of eyes that will see this that knows anything about this pitiful display to which I refer. But to those that might see this musing, let's all take a moment to consider that some things are private, and worthy of that protection. 
I have so many ideas for this little blog in 2014, I just wanted to say this first.
It is a disclaimer that the things I share will be considerate and honest without being vengeful or expository in any way.
Here's to a year of spreading goodness and releasing the past with a kiss goodbye