May 2, 2012

Two in a row

The last month of school...Regan finishing her Freshman year, Lucas preparing for his.
Where has the time gone?  Rosey will be going into third grade.
Today we shopped at the Book Fair at Rosey's school.  Looking at titles and age recommendations makes me think of how quickly the time goes.
Zachary is 25.  How did it happen?
As I sit her in this living room in our little house in Fountain Inn, I am more sure than ever that I need to be present.  Rosey is on her computer next to me, and David is reading on the Nook...Jack is sleeping, and Lucas is downstairs watching something on his computer.  We are all in one place, except for Regan who is out with Anita at The Sound Of Music with Carter.  They're seeing the show directed by a friend of Anita's and mine.  I decided to stay home to keep a promise to Rosey.  I've been out of the house for three weeks in production of Bye Bye Birdie and doing interviews for our new Season.
This week required home, cooking, cleaning and just being together.
The rest can wait. 

1 comment:

  1. Presence is something that children remember. The games, outings, and conversations quickly fade into memory but the glow of love that comes from a parent, particularly a mother, who has been present in their lives will remain forever.
