Ah....Social Media.
I love it. I got a beautiful note in the mail from one who has found my Facebook inspiring. He actually donated to Rosey's Boosterthon and wrote a note to her, about her mom. Priceless.
He knew me years ago and finds my daily updates to my public status something that he looks forward to.
I appreciate that. I love human connection.
On the other hand, Social Media has caused many private thoughts to be public, and that leads to misunderstanding. I like sharing, and when things matter to me, or touch me, I like to share that with the folks that are interested to stay friends with me on Facebook. If something sounds like it is about you, it might not be. One never really knows an other's intentions, and that leads to a very dark "Three's Company" type situation, when feelings get hurt.
This week I turned 49. I was honored to be "Employee of the Quarter" in the City where I work (Honored and Humbled). Then things got ... not so great.
I don't plan to share more than is appropriate, but if you've gotten this far, you might be interested.
I was put in the position of defending myself (many times in a few days), and I've chosen not to do so.
That suffices for me and my conscience.
I am certain that unless one knows the entire story, they should perhaps give another soul the benefit of the doubt.
I was forced to make "decisions" that I had no intention of being involved in, and I will never know if I was right or wrong. I will be content in my intention. I will be second guessed and vilified by those who have chosen to be passive when they had every opportunity to step up. I will survive judgment. I always have.
I have come to some very strong conclusions through it all. I will continue to share my life and my thoughts and whatever I feel is appropriate to share. I will hope that what I post touches a heart, or gives information, or bridges a gap. I am not a spectacular daughter. I have been very much reminded of that over the past 24 hours by people who do not know me. I am not a spectacular friend. I have been reminded of that by many people, including "friends" that have disappeared from my life and put the blame for that on something that I did or didn't do. I am not a spectacular citizen of the earth. I use plastic bags and water bottles. I am not a spectacular wife. The man I married is far better at everything than I am when it comes to the holy bond of marriage (we've been married 29 years today). I strive to be a good mother. I think it has taken over all other aspirations, and I believe it is when I write about my motherhood that people respond.
I am not perfect. I am flawed, and I am also LARGE in my mistakes and my life in general. There are very few times that I am present and no one knows I'm there.
...but I'm 49 years old. I take full responsibility for every bit of it.
I am not every one's cup of tea. I don't mind that.
I am Employee of the Quarter. I am Zachary, Regan, Lucas and Rosey's Mom, I am David's Wife, Mackensie's Mother in Law, Jack's sleeping companion, and I am content in the seat where I sit at this moment and the view that I have in my windshield ahead. The rear view shows nothing that I regret, and I am going to sail on until I fail so big that there is no picking up the pieces. I am going to live this one, huge, wonderful, life that I've been given.
We are promised nothing, and I will hold no grudge. I've seen what it is like to be angry, or feel like one is owed something by someone. Futile. Ugly. Graceless.
That is not who I want to be. I will strive to be a "Steel Magnolia," the adopted name from the region that I have made my home for longer than any other. A delicate flower from a most beautiful tree, that is one of my favorites. What I have gleaned is that the shade from my Magnolia is only comfortable for those with the most exquisite understanding of what that phrase means.
I'm thankful for those of you who have read this.
It means that you care.