May 23, 2012

On the Day That You Were Born

...The angels got together.  You know the song.
It was Lukie's song  from the moment I laid eyes on him.
He was born chin first, a different kind of breach.  There was great distress and neo-natal team at the side of the bed as he was born and he was whisked away after hours of real fear that we could lose him as his face was hyper-extended and in no "position" to be born.
He was born, after the doctor told me, in my very quiet mild hysteria, which is my usual response to such dramatic circumstances, "You can do this," and I did it.
I have come to realize that it is my mild panic that allows me to focus on the crisis at hand, if it's a facial presentation at birth, a Stage 2b Breast Cancer Diagnosis, a Tumor the size of a Coconut in the abdomen of my four year old, I get focused and there is no more crisis, I've got it.  No matter what it is, it's within my grasp.  There is a moment when I decide, I've got this, and I do.
Lucas was the first conscious manifestation of that response..."fight or flight?"  I'm Irish. Enough Said.
I fight.
So there he was.  He was mistaken for the wrong baby by our African American Nurse who thought that he was not my child because he too, looked African American.  She questioned the delivery room nurse before she would move us to our room.  He was a funny shade of black and blue that would only intensify over the next few days before he turned that crazy brownish yellow that bruises turn before they disappear.
He transformed into the most breathtakingly beautiful baby by virtue of the contrast to his debut.
Lucas is a treasure.
He has been a joy to love since he got here, and I will always be grateful that I was able to provide Zachary with the baby brother that he silently longed for and Regan the protector that will be with her forever. My middle children have a bond that is unmistakable.
I celebrate this day as the day that I got my Bonus Boy.  That was fourteen years ago.
Don't ask me where that time has gone, but I do know it's gone.
I am blessed to know him, and the Bonus is, I'm his Mom.

May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Loaded with created expectation for a celebration by virtue of a Title. Mother's Day for me occurs four times a year. March 2. July 7. May 23. September 30. We celebrate the births of my children and I celebrate the moment that we met. The moment I first held them in my arms and we looked into each other's eyes. Sacred. We went to Brunch last Sunday. I love Brunch. David sent flowers to my office this week, but the card read "Just Because." Today I will lay my eyes on my four children and my bonus daughter because it's Sunday. It's customary to spend our Sunday evenings together when we can. I will look at each of their faces and remember that first moment when I introduced myself and made the promise to love them forever. They don't make a greeting card for that.

May 9, 2012

The Right Side Of History

Today President Obama came out (pun intended) in support of Same Sex Marriage.
Here is what I think.
I believe in love.  I believe in the dignity of all human beings. I believe that prohibiting rights of
any citizen in a "free" country is deplorable.

I believe that President Obama will be on the right side of history on this issue.
I will continue to pray for tolerance.

Love transcends Constitutional Amendments, of this I am sure.

May 2, 2012

Two in a row

The last month of school...Regan finishing her Freshman year, Lucas preparing for his.
Where has the time gone?  Rosey will be going into third grade.
Today we shopped at the Book Fair at Rosey's school.  Looking at titles and age recommendations makes me think of how quickly the time goes.
Zachary is 25.  How did it happen?
As I sit her in this living room in our little house in Fountain Inn, I am more sure than ever that I need to be present.  Rosey is on her computer next to me, and David is reading on the Nook...Jack is sleeping, and Lucas is downstairs watching something on his computer.  We are all in one place, except for Regan who is out with Anita at The Sound Of Music with Carter.  They're seeing the show directed by a friend of Anita's and mine.  I decided to stay home to keep a promise to Rosey.  I've been out of the house for three weeks in production of Bye Bye Birdie and doing interviews for our new Season.
This week required home, cooking, cleaning and just being together.
The rest can wait. 

May 1, 2012

Here I go...again

May 1st.  Sooner than I thought. I was planning a Facebook Break, but it came sooner than I had imagined.  I took the Summer off last year, but this year, I needed a longer break.
I love my life. I love my job. I love it all.
I just need to figure out how to balance it all so I can feel the love every day, and not feel so tired sometimes.
Wanna help me?  Wanna cheer me on?
I want to hear from my friends from "the old days" Sheri, Marty, Nell, Barbara, Janene, Terri, Victoria, everyone from RCK, all of you matter to me.
My long distance friends and family that have found me on Facebook, I don't want to be out of touch.
I just don't want to let anything take my time.
My time is so precious that I shouldn't have to weed through the posts on my "timeline" to be connected to people that I care about.
For my everyday F.I.R.E. People...we're a team.
We're beyond family, we work together to make the world better.
Let me know...
Let me know why you're here reading it.
Let me know what you want to talk about.
Let me be in your life by choice, not because I turn up on your news feed.
What a wonderful world we live in that we can connect in such a way.
I'm going to try to really share what's in my heart.