Jun 28, 2013

Okay...so the photo a day didn't work.

I wanted to start blogging.  I really want to keep blogging.  I am not a great "rule" follower.  The photo a day thing brought out the rebel in me, so I stopped following the photo a day rule pretty early on in June.
That being said, I have so much to say!
I've decided to keep hacking away at it.
I have been overwhelmed with work for a few years.  I help with a little Community Theatre and it wasn't until recently that things have gotten to a place where I am free to do other things. I was working a lot, and when I wasn't working, I was managing situations and personalities.  I don't have to do that any longer.
That leaves me in a place where I can think about other things that inspire me.
Writing has always been something that I enjoy.  I used to write to express my teenage heartbreak, and to put my dreams into words. It was something that I was good at and a confidence builder.
I believe in stories.  I know that we all have one.  I have been encouraged many times to "write a book".
My life has been crazy.  The best kind of crazy, but crazy, none the less. People who know me say it would make a great book.
I don't know if I have a book in me, but I am pretty certain that I do have a blog in me.
It might not appeal to everyone, but I think I'm going to keep plugging away at it.
If you read it, please let me know.
I have received the only compliment I need already, so it doesn't have to be a compliment.
My High School English teacher Rosemary Evaul complimented a piece that I wrote a few weeks ago.
I interpreted that as an A+, (I have excellent self esteem).  I'm not looking for compliments, just comments, just let me know that you were here.
I'm about to tell my story in the only way I can.  When I can.
I will write as I'm inspired, or as I remember something worth telling.
Let's see where it goes, together.